These qualities - known as RE/MAX Premier Community Citizenship - are a dynamic part of the RE/MAX organization. For example, RE/MAX Associates have always been among the leaders in their communities, devoting time and dollars to countless charities and local causes. Committed to their own personal charities, RE/MAX Associates and offices contribute tens of millions of dollars annually to their respective communities.
The Community Care Program is designed to help RE/MAX Associates give back to the communities where they live, work, and play.
RE/MAX understands that building a great neighbourhood starts with caring and supporting local programs and organizations that make a profound difference in everyday lives. That’s why we put our hearts, our dollars and our efforts behind a wide number of incredible worthwhile charities, right here at home.
The REALTORS® of RE/MAX Kelowna created the RE/MAX REALTORS LEGACY FOUNDATION to ensure a lasting legacy of giving in our local community.
This fund was established in 2011 by generous pledges of $100,000 from our REALTORS®. It is the intention of our Board of Directors to work with the Central Okanagan Foundation to assist local charities in meeting community needs.
In 2009 RE/MAX Kelowna was once again recognized as the top contributing office in the RE/MAX Western Canada organization. In 2009, RE/MAX of Western Canada affiliates raised $1.35 million, making RE/MAX of Western Canada the largest contributing region in the entire RE/MAX organization. In Canada, since they began their affiliation with Children's Miracle Network over $35.5 million dollars has been raised. These funds were raised through community events and The Miracle Home Program - where a portion of the agent's funds are donated to Children's Miracle Network. All funds go to the foundation/hospital serving the community. The RE/MAX - Children's Miracle Network affiliation began in 1986.
Children's Miracle Network, with the help of RE/MAX agents helps create miracles by funding medical care, research and education that saves and improves the lives of more than 2.6 million Canadian children each year. One in four Canadian children visited a children's hospital in 2009.
Children are one-third of our population and all of our future. RE/MAX Kelowna would like to thank all of their past and current clients for making their participation possible.
RE/MAX Agents and Offices in British Columbia have collectively raised funds to provide medical services and needed care to the over 81,000 children treated annually at BC Children's Hospital.
On behalf of the patients and their families here at BC Children's Hospital, thank you for your support of the RE/MAX Miracle Home Program. Your donations through the Miracle Home Program make a big difference in the lives of children and their families in British Columbia.
If you have any questions or require any additional information on the RE/MAX Miracle Home Program, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Veronika Pavlina
Philanthropy Officer
p: 604-875-2504
[email protected]
Every child deserves the very best chance to grow, thrive and fulfill their dreams. These infinite possibilities should never be cut short by cancer, stroke, or heart defects. Today, with a gift to the Excellence In Child Health Fund you can help support research into childhood diseases like the four examples outlined below. My proposal to you is simple: invest in the future of research, and invest in the future of countless children today.
Before she was even born, an ultrasound revealed that baby Nova Matovich's heart was not pumping properly. At only five days old, Nova underwent her first open heart surgery - the first of three operations that were required to treat her life-threatening condition.
It's heartbreaking for families to learn, there is something wrong during pregnancy, but knowing they can count on advanced surgery quickly after birth makes all the difference. That's why researchers are working to better understand fetal diagnosis and therapy, and find ways to improve outcomes following neonatal surgery. With your support, you'II help establish national best practices for a number of neonatal conditions that require surgery after birth, and give babies like Nova the best chance to survive and thrive.
In just 18 hours, five-year-old Emily Wong went from having a headache to having a brain tumor removed. After surgery, Emily underwent radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Her dad says that without a place like BC Children's, Emily wouldn't be here today.
Despite conventional beliefs, not all cancers are the same. And because every child's cancer is unique, broad-based treatments such as chemotherapy are not always effective. That's why our researchers are fighting cancer at the molecular level by better understanding the signals and pathways between cells. With your support, you'll help develop targeted therapies that are specific to each child's disease, so that kids like Emily get the best chance to beat their cancer, and live their life to the fullest.
When Thomas Dignum was six years old, he suddenly collapsed and couldn't move his left arm. An MRI scan revealed that he bad suffered a massive stroke. Thomas received a life-saving balloon dilation procedure, the first ever performed on a child.
There is nothing more complex - and fragile - than a child's brain. And when things go wrong, the Lifelong impact is devastating. That's why our researchers are using pediatric brain mapping technologies to help create a national pediatric stroke registry and find better outcomes and treatments for children with stroke. By carefully following the progress of newborns and children with ischemic stroke, born at or referred to BC Children's Hospital, we hope to ensure brighter futures - and infinite possibilities - for kids Like Thomas.
With a diagnosis of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), Mary Iatrides' odds of surviving were only 50%. At just 14 months old, Mary underwent aggressive chemotherapy that wiped out her immune system, leaving her fighting constant infections and too sick to eat.
Today, thanks to advances in research, the three-year survival rates for childhood cancers exceeds 80 per cent. But overall mortality from childhood cancer still surpasses all other major pediatric diseases. Today, you can help harness the power of the immune system to combat childhood leukemias. Results show that adding daily doses of a targeted drug to regular chemotherapy more than doubles the three-year survival
rates for children with high risk blood cancer. By improving survival for children with leukemia, you'll give tremendous hope to kids like Mary and their families.